Jon Weinel is a London based artist/researcher whose main expertise is in computer audio, games and art. In 2012 Jon completed his AHRC-funded PhD in Music at Keele University regarding the use of altered states of consciousness as a basis for composing electroacoustic music. His electronic music, visual music compositions and virtual reality projects have been presented internationally at events such as the International Computer Music Conference, ACM Audio Mostly, EVA London (Electronic Visualisation and the Arts), SIGGRAPH, Seeing Sound, Revision demoparty, and others. He is the author of two books: Inner Sound: Altered States of Consciousness in Electronic Music and Audio-Visual Media (Oxford University Press, 2018) and Explosions in the Mind: Composing Psychedelic Sounds and Visualisations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). Jon has held various academic posts in the UK and Denmark and currently lectures at the University of Greenwich. He is a Chartered IT Professional; Full Professional Member of the British Computer Society; belongs to the Computer Arts Society specialist interest group; and is a co-chair and proceedings editor for the EVA London (Electronic Visualisation and the Arts) conference.
Email: j.r.weinel@greenwich.ac.uk