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As a composer of electronic music I have performed various work on the international circuit of electroacoustic festivals, at events such as the International Computer Music Conference in New York City, Athens and others. I have a background DJing and have links with underground techno, with my music having been released on Anti Narcose Records and Hardcore Jewellery, and sold through Toolbox Records in Paris.

Space TempleJon Weinel
00:00 / 06:26
Night BreedJon Weinel
00:00 / 06:23


I create audio-visual work including visual music films, VJ performances and virtual reality experiences related to my work on altered states. This work is created using analogue and digital techniques, including hand-painted animations on 8mm film, and computer graphics animations. My audio-visual work has been performed in the UK at VJ London, Seeing Sound, Fort Process and others, and internationally at events such as Sweet Thunder Festival in San Francisco.



I have a background as a visual artist and continue to paint and create mixed media work incorporating digital techniques, which explores ideas related to my work on altered states and visual music. My work has involved the use of digitally cut stencils, airbrush, and generative code. My paintings have been exhibited as part of the Carbon Meets Silicon series of exhibitions in Wales, and on artwork for my music releases.



Trackers and Breakbeats: Celebrating Brain Records’ Underground Revolution (exhibition, co-curated with Renedzvous Projects, Bizzy B and DJ Dlux)

11 October-2 November 2024, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London, UK.

Havoc Delirium (PC video game demo)

EVA London 2023 pop-up exhibition, 14 July 2023, London, UK.​

Soundcat City (Commodore 64 PETSCII artwork)

Transmission64 2021 (Online/UK).​

TkTune (Commodore 64 music, 3 minutes)

Trackers & Breakbeats, 11 October-2 November 2024, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London, UK.
Transmission64 2021 (Online/UK).

Soundcat64 (Commodore 64 PETSCII artwork)

Revision 2021 (Online/Germany).

EkTune (Commodore 64 music, 2 minutes 31 seconds)

Assembly Winter '21 (Online/Finland).

Sound Pod (curated sound art installation)

CAS 50 (Computer Arts Society), 22 July–7 August 2019, LCB Depot, Leicester, UK.
Event Two, 15–17 July 2019, Royal College of Art, London, UK.

Cyberdream VR (virtual reality experience, c.5 minutes)

Trackers & Breakbeats, 11 October-2 November 2024, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London, UK.
EVA London 2023 pop-up exhibition, 14 July 2023, London, UK.​
Audio Mostly, 18–20 Sept 2019, University of Nottingham. Award: 'Honourable Mention Demo'. 
Breaking Convention, 16–18 August 2019, University of Greenwich, London.
Event Two, 15–17 July 2019, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
Mind 2019, 31 May–1 June 2019, Rock House, Hastings, East Sussex, UK.
PLAY/PAUSE Symposium – Immersion | Dissonance, 22 May 2019, University of Birmingham, UK.
Sci-Fi London Festival (VR programme), 15th–22 May 2019, London.
Cyberdelics Incubator Melbourne, 24 March 2019, Melbourne, Australia.

Réflexe (audio-visual composition with music by A. Sigman, 5 minutes 43 seconds)

Sound Traffic Series, 7 Jan 2019, Koen-dori Classics, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.
Daegu International Computer Music Festival, 29 Sept 2018, Daegu Concert House, Korea.

Soundcat (VJ performances, c.45 minutes)

Art Futura London, 17 April 2021 (online), London.
Audio Mostly (evening concert), 12 Sept 2018, Tŷ Pawb, Wrexham, Wales.
VJ London: July Meetup and Showcase, 12 July 2018, New River Studios, London, UK.

Space Temple (electronic music, 6 minutes 27 seconds)

BEAST FEaST 2017: Figure, Landscape, Seascape, Sky, University of Birmingham, UK.

Technoshamanic Visions from the Underworld I / II (collected audio-visual works and paintings)

Carbon Meets Silicon II group exhibition, 11 September–8 December 2017, Oriel Sycharth Gallery, Glyndwr University, Wales.

Breaking Convention 2017: The 4th International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness, 30 June–2 July 2017, University of Greenwich, UK.

Carbon Meets Silicon group exhibition, 8–11 September 2015, Oriel Sycharth Gallery, Glyndwr University, Wales. 

Flood City (electronic music, 4 minutes 11 seconds)

Sonic Arts Forum: Electroacoustic Music, 8 September 2015, Oriel Sycharth Gallery, Glyndwr University, Wales.

International Festival of Artistic Innovation, 12 March 2015, Leeds College of Music, UK.

Cenote Zaci (visual music, 4 minutes 5 seconds)

Technoshamanism London Party, 28 Sept 2019, Grow Tottenham, London.
Daegu International Computer Music Festival, 29 Sept 2018, Daegu Concert House, Korea.
Seeing Sound, 10 April 2016, Bath Spa University, UK.
International Festival of Artistic Innovation (IFAI) 2015, 12–13 March 2015, Leeds College of Music, UK.

Cenote Sagrado (visual music, 5 minutes 37 seconds)

Technoshamanism London Party, 28 Sept 2019, Grow Tottenham, London.
Sound/Image Symposium, 7 November 2015, University of Greenwich, UK.
The Very Eyes of Night, 24 September 2015, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
Carbon Meets Silicon, 8–11 Sept 2015, Oriel Sycharth Gallery, Wrexham, Wales.
NoiseFloor 2015, 28 April 2015, Staffordshire University, UK.
International Festival of Artistic Innovation (IFAI) 2015, 12–13 March 2015, Leeds College of Music, UK.

Optical Research (curated video installation)

Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA) London 2015, 7-9 July 2015, British Computer Society, London, UK.
Optical Research/Curating Knowledge, 9–20 March 2015, Axis Arts Centre, Crewe, UK.

Mezcal Animations (visual music, 4 minutes)

Daegu International Computer Music Festival, 13 Nov 2019, Daegu Concert House, Korea.
Festival 23: Convergence of Disco, 22–24 July 2016, South Yorkshire, UK. 
High Frequency concert, 18 Jan 2016, The Yard, Hackney, London, UK.
The Very Eyes of Night, 24 September 2015, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
Poznanska Wiosna Muzyczna, 24 March 2015, Academy of Music, Sala Blekitna, Poland.
Image-Music-Text, 28 Feb 2015, California State University, Fullerton, USA.
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC/SMC) 2014, Athens, Greece.
Sound, Sight, Space and Play (SSSP) 2014. 18 June 2014, De Montfort University, UK. 
Fort Process (film programme), 13 Sept 2014, Newhaven, UK.
Sweet Thunder Festival, 27 April 2014, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, USA.
Seeing Sound 2013, 23 Nov 2013, Bath Spa University, UK.
Last Friday Listening Room, 25 Oct 2013, University of California San Diego, USA.

Psych Dome (AV fulldome/biofeedback installation)

Adapted for Noosphere: A Vision Quest, 4-6th March 2016, Adelaide Planetarium, Australia.
Psych Dome, William Aston Hall, 16 Oct 2013, Wrexham Glyndŵr University, Wales.

Nausea (electroacoustic music, 19 minutes 11 seconds)

Internet Technologies & Applications 2013: Art Expo, 11 September 2013, Glyndwr University, Wales.

Swamp Process (electroacoustic music, 7 minutes 35 seconds)

International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 9–15 Sept 2012, IRZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Tiny Jungle (audio-visual composition, 7 minutes 10 seconds)

NoiseFloor, 20–22 Sept 2011, Staffordshire University, UK.
Multimedia Concert, 3 October 2011, Keele University, UK.

Entoptic Phenomena (electroacoustic music, 7 minutes 10 seconds)

Humanities Celebration Concert, 6 July 2011, Keele University, UK.

Repo Jazz (improvised group performances with live instruments and electronics, c.30 minutes)

Fort Process, 13 September 2014, Newhaven, UK.

AutoPlay, 29 September 2010, Keele University, UK.

Atomizer (electroacoustic music, 60 seconds)

60x60 Dance, 24 July 2010, Stratford Circus, London.
Various other performances of 60x60 Dance, 60x60 International Mix and 60x60 Sanguine Mix.

Surfer Stem (electroacoustic music, 7 minutes 11 seconds)

CAS 50 (Computer Arts Society), 22 July–7 August 2019, LCB Depot, Leicester, UK.
Event Two, 15–17 July 2019, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
International Festival of Artistic Innovation (IFAI), 14 March 2014, Leeds College of Music, UK.
Sonic Fusion, 8 Nov 2013, University of Salford, UK.
Energy Flash, 5 May 2010, Keele University, UK.​

Entoptic Phenomena in Audio (laptop performance, c.30 minutes)

Analogous Interactions/ICMC 2010, 31 May 2010, ISSUE Project Room, Brooklyn, NYC, USA.

Keele Music Forum Concert, 4 November 2009, Keele University, UK.

Night Dream (electroacoustic music, 8 minutes 0 seconds)

MANTIS Festival, 7 March 2009, University of Manchester, UK.

Night Breed (electroacoustic music, 6 minutes 23 seconds)

Energy Flash, 5 May 2010, Keele University, UK.
RMA: Beyond the Dance, 22 May 2008, Keele University, UK.

Speed Bugs (audio-visual composition, 4 minutes 0 seconds)

MANTIS Festival, 2–4 November 2007, University of Manchester, UK.

DJ Performance (untitled) (turntable DJ set, c.60 minutes)

Sonic Arts Network: Expo Plymouth, 22–25 June 2007, The Hub, Plymouth, UK.

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